Saturday, August 12, 2023


Everyone needs you

No one can live without you

You fall from the sky as rain

But there's no stain

In sea you taste salty 

In river you taste sweetly

You wore no colour

You're so pure and clear

We need you every moment of our life

Because you give life to our lives 

You're always greater

We call you as Water!


The bed was good

There was no noise

There was no nightmare

There was no water droplet sound

No clock ticking sound

In spite of it was a Good Night

It was a sleepless night!


In the heart of the forest, where sunlight filters through the leaves,

Nature's symphony sings, as birdsong dances on the breeze.

The river flows gracefully, a shimmering ribbon of life,

Reflecting the colors of nature, calm and without strife.

In fields of wildflowers, a kaleidoscope of delicate hues,

Butterflies flutter, their beauty a delightful muse.

The mountains stand tall, majestic and grand,

Reaching for the sky, a symbol of strength and command.

As the sun sets, painting the canvas with a golden hue,

Stars twinkle above, their mystery captivating and true.

The ocean waves crash, a rhythmic and soothing sound,

As seagulls soar high above, gracefully gliding around.

A gentle rain falls, refreshing and moisturizing the earth,

Bringing life to the plants, a sign of nature's rebirth.

Whispering trees sway, their branches reaching for the sky,

Providing shelter and shade, under which creatures safely lie.

In nature's embrace, a sense of peace and tranquility,

A reminder of the beauty and power of our planet's serenity.

From the smallest flower to the tallest mountain peak,

Nature's wonders awe-inspiring, a language that all creatures speak.


 There's no true Love

Marriages are not made in heaven

There's no perfect couple

There's no made for each other

The dream will never come true

Life is not a bed of Roses

Money can buy the happiness


Love, a feeling so pure and true,

It makes the world shimmer and glow.

It's a flame that burns deep within,

Giving warmth and light to all that's near.

Love knows no boundaries or constraints,

For it transcends time, space, and fate.

It's the enchanting melody in the air,

Filling hearts with joy, banishing despair.

In love's embrace, we find solace and peace,

A haven where our souls can find release.

It's a gentle touch, a tender caress,

A whisper that lingers, leaving us breathless.

Love is a dance, a delicate ballet,

Two souls entwined, moving in perfect sway.

It's the laughter that echoes in the night,

A symphony of bliss, a beautiful sight.

Love is the sun that brightens the day,

Guiding us through life's unpredictable way.

It's the moon that soothes us in the dark,

A beacon of hope, igniting love's spark.

In love, we discover our true selves,

A connection that can't be put on shelves.

It's the gift that keeps on giving,

A treasure worth all the living.


In the darkest corners of the human heart, 

lies a timeless tale of destruction and despair. 

War, the beast of mankind's own creation, 

leaves a trail of pain and broken souls in its wake. 

The clash of weapons, a symphony of violence, 

echoes across battlefields stained with blood. 

Soldiers march bravely, their spirits tested by the horrors they witness. 

Families torn apart, homes reduced to rubble, 

as the relentless pursuit of power engulfs nations. 

Yet in the midst of chaos, glimpses of humanity emerge. 

Strangers become allies, united by a common enemy. 

But for every act of bravery and selflessness, 

there are countless lives lost, dreams shattered, and futures stolen. 

The scars of war run deep, etched into the very essence of civilization. 

An endless cycle of conflict, repeating throughout history. 

But amidst the darkness, there is always a flicker of hope. 

For in the hearts of the wounded and weary, 

burns an undying desire for peace and redemption. 

War, a testament to the depths of human despair, 

yet also a poignant reminder of our capacity for resilience and love.


Earth, our home, where we explore and roam, 

A planet of wonder, a place we call our own. 

From mountains tall to oceans deep, 

A symphony of life, a treasure to keep. 

The wind whispers secrets as it kisses the trees, 

Birds sing sweet melodies, carried on the breeze. 

Fields of green, a tapestry of life, 

A sanctuary for creatures, big and small alike. 

The rivers flow, carving paths through the land, 

Providing sustenance, a lifeline, a helping hand. 

The sun shines bright, warming all it touches, 

Filling our days with its golden clutches. 

But we must remember, we're not alone, 

We share this planet, it's not ours to own. 

With every step, every choice we make, 

Let's tread lightly, for the Earth's sake. 

For in our hands lies the power to heal or destroy, 

To protect and cherish, or cause endless ploys. 

Let's come together, let's stand as one, 

In the fight to preserve what cannot be undone. 

For Earth, our home, is a gift we must treasure, 

A place that deserves our utmost measure. 

Let's strive for balance, harmony, and care, 

For this beautiful planet we all share. 

So let us honor the Earth's boundless worth, 

In every moment, acknowledging its incredible birth. 

For in its beauty and splendor, we find our own place, 

A reminder of the miracle that is life's embrace.


In the heart of nature, a majestic sight stands tall and proud.

A symphony of leaves rustling, dancing to the gentle rhythm of the wind.

Beneath the canopy, life flourishes in an intricate web of branches, leaves, and bark.

Each limb reaching out, embracing the sky, beckoning towards the heavens above.

Roots delve deep into the Earth, anchoring the tree with unwavering strength and stability.

Season after season, the tree transforms, showcasing the breathtaking beauty of nature.

As spring arrives, delicate buds emerge, painting the tree in vibrant shades of green.

Summer brings a lush canopy, providing shade for weary souls seeking respite from the sun.

Autumn's arrival turns the tree into a fiery masterpiece, leaves ablaze in hues of red, orange, and gold.

When winter comes, the tree stands proud, its bare branches a testament to resilience and endurance.

A refuge for birds, squirrels, and insects, the tree offers shelter and sustenance to all who seek it.

In the midst of bustling urban landscapes, the tree remains a symbol of peace, tranquility, and connection to nature.

In its quiet presence, the tree teaches us patience, perseverance, and the importance of staying rooted in our beliefs.

With every passing year, the tree grows stronger, its branches spreading wider, reaching out towards the unknown.

Under the tree's embrace, secrets are shared, dreams are dreamt, and love is found.

From seed to towering giant, the tree's journey is a testament to the circle of life and the wonders of the natural world.

Let us cherish the beauty of the trees that adorn our planet, guardians of the earth, silent witnesses to the passage of time.

For in the realm of nature's wisdom, the humble tree stands as a reminder of our interconnectedness and our responsibility to protect and nourish the world we call home.


Friendship is a bond that brings joy to our lives.

It's a treasure, so rare and pure, that truly thrives.

Through thick and thin, friends are always there.

They support and care, showing how much they truly care. 

Friendship is like a warm embrace on a cold winter's day.

A source of comfort, guiding us along life's way.

Friends bring laughter, wiping away our tears.

With them, we can conquer our biggest fears.

They are the stars that light up our darkest nights.

A pillar of strength, helping us win life's fights.

Friendship is a language that requires no words.

It's a connection that's felt, even when apart from the herds.

A friend is a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear.

Someone who understands, even when we're unclear.

Friends lift us up, when we're feeling down.

They bring smiles and erase every frown.

Friendship is a bond that keeps growing strong.

It's a melody in our hearts, a never-ending song.

In times of need, friends are our guiding light.

They make every burden feel oh-so light.

True friends are there, through the highs and lows.

A constant presence, as our story unrolls.

Friendship is a gift, both precious and rare.

A treasure we cherish, beyond compare.


 Life is a wondrous journey, with twists and turns at every corner.

It brings us joy and laughter, but also sorrow and pain.

Through ups and downs, we learn and grow, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

Each day is a new opportunity, a chance to make a difference.

The sun rises, casting its golden rays upon the world, awakening hope within us.

We chase our dreams, fueled by passion and determination.

Yet life is not always easy, for we face battles and obstacles along the way.

But in the face of adversity, we find strength we never knew we had.

We stumble and fall, but we rise again, resilient and determined.

Life teaches us to appreciate the little things, the moments that take our breath away.

It reminds us to cherish the people we love, for they are our greatest treasures.

Every step we take is a step closer to our destiny, a purpose waiting to be fulfilled.

Life is a tapestry of experiences, woven together to create a beautiful masterpiece.

We must seize each moment, for life is fleeting, like a shooting star in the night sky.

In the end, what matters most is the love we give and the impact we make.

So let us embrace life's fragility, and truly live before our time on earth is done.


Flowers, so vibrant and bright, 

Colors that fill our sight.

Petals delicate, soft to touch,

Nature's masterpiece, loved so much.

Blossoms that dance in the breeze,

Bringing joy, putting hearts at ease.

Each one unique, with its own grace,

In a variety of shapes and space.

Roses, with their scent so sweet,

Symbol of love and affection, never retreat.

Sunflowers, tall and proud,

Facing the sun, standing out from the crowd.

Daisies, simple yet so enchanting,

Symbol of innocence, pure and everlasting.

Tulips, with petals like a cup,

A symbol of perfect love, never giving up.

Lilies, serene and elegant,

Their beauty leaves us in a trance.

Orchids, exotic in every way,

Adding a touch of luxury, come what may.

Flowers, a gift from mother Earth,

Bringing beauty and joy, proving their worth.

In gardens and bouquets, they bring a smile,

A reminder to appreciate life, even for a while.

So, let's embrace these blooming treasures,

And admire the wonders that nature measures.

For flowers are more than just a sight,

They are a symbol of love, beauty, and delight.


In a world filled with chaos and strife, there is a longing for peace.

Peace, a gentle melody that whispers through the winds and calms the turbulent seas.

It is the soothing balm that heals the wounds of division and hate.

Peace dances upon the hearts of those who seek understanding and compassion.

It is a symphony of unity that brings harmony to the cacophony of discord.

Peace blooms like a delicate flower, spreading its fragrance across nations and borders.

It is the bridge that connects us, transcending language and cultural barriers.

Peace is the gentle touch that wipes away tears, replacing them with smiles of solace.

It is the guiding light that leads us from darkness towards hope and serenity.

Peace is a sanctuary, a refuge where fear and violence are replaced by love and tranquility.

It is an anthem of forgiveness that unites enemies and creates unbreakable bonds.

Peace is the language of the heart, a universal dialect that all souls understand.

It is the thread that weaves together the fabric of humanity, stitching our dreams into a collective tapestry.

Peace is the gift we give to future generations, a legacy of harmony and coexistence.

It is the absence of conflict, a state where differences are celebrated and embraced.

Peace provides solace to the weary, strength to the oppressed, and wisdom to the lost.

It is the cornerstone of progress, fostering innovation and nurturing prosperity.

Peace is the path to enlightenment, a journey of self-discovery and selflessness.

It is the ultimate goal that we strive for, the pinnacle of our existence as human beings.

Peace, a small word with an enormous impact, has the power to change the world.

Let us embrace peace, nurture it within ourselves, and spread its wings to every corner of the earth.


A paper with power, that rules our life.

It can provide comfort, but also bring us strife.

Some people chase after it, their desires never sated.

But in the pursuit of wealth, are they truly placated?

Money can be a tool to help those in need.

But it can also feed greed, causing hearts to bleed.

Wealthy or poor, money affects us all.

It can build up walls, or make them fall.

Money can buy things that bring us joy.

But it can also lead to a life devoid of true employ.

Sometimes the pursuit of money can blind us.

Our purpose forgotten, our values unjust.

Money can be a means to travel the world.

Or it can trap us, like a flag that's unfurled.

It can be a blessing, or a source of stress.

It's important to remember, money doesn't define our success.

In the end, money is just a paper we exchange.

It's our relationship with it that can be strange.

Let us strive for balance, and not let it consume our soul.

For true wealth lies in friendships and the love that makes us whole.


 As the sun rises on a brand new day,

Gentle rays of light illuminate the way.

Birds sing their cheerful melodies,

Awakening nature with a gentle breeze.

A quiet calmness fills the air,

As dewdrops glisten everywhere.

The world starts to stir from its sleep,

With secrets of the night, it will keep.

Soft whispers of morning fill the trees,

As the world emerges from its peaceful ease.

Golden hues paint the sky above,

A canvas displaying nature's love.

The scent of fresh coffee fills the room,

As early risers embrace the morning's bloom.

A chorus of yawns and stretchings arise,

As people wake with sleepy eyes.

Footsteps echo on the empty streets,

As early risers greet the day they'll meet.

The world is tranquil, untouched, and serene,

A moment frozen in time, so pristine.

Soft light dances on fields of green,

As the early morning landscape is seen.

A promise of possibilities fills the air,

As the day unfolds with tender care.

The world awakens, slowly but surely,

Embracing the early morning's purity.

Each breath rejuvenates the soul,

As the morning unfolds, making us whole.

Early morning, a time so divine,

A moment of serenity that aligns.

Embrace the calmness, let it be,

For the early morning brings tranquility


Education, a world of endless possibilities and boundless knowledge waiting to be discovered.

From the moment we step into a classroom, our journey to enlightenment begins.

Books become our guides, words our stepping stones, as we embark on a quest for understanding.

Through lessons and lectures, we gain insights and perspectives, expanding the horizons of our minds.

With each passing day, we acquire new skills, shaping us into individuals equipped for the challenges of life.

Education opens doors to opportunities, empowering us to chase our dreams and make a difference.

In the classroom, we learn not only equations and facts, but also empathy, resilience, and creativity.

Knowledge is a treasure that can never be taken away; it fuels our curiosity and fuels our passions.

Through education, we gather the tools to build a better world, one idea at a time.

Teachers, the architects of our minds, inspire and guide us on our path of growth and self-discovery.

Education is the light that brightens our future, igniting a spark within us to strive for greatness.

It teaches us to question, to seek answers, to challenge the status quo, and to be catalysts of change.

In every subject and every lesson, we unlock secrets and uncover the mysteries that shape our world.

Education is a journey of self-discovery, a lifelong pursuit of understanding and self-improvement.

The pursuit of knowledge knows no boundaries, transcending borders and cultures, connecting humanity.

Education is not confined to walls; it's found in the experiences that broaden our perspectives and minds.

Through education, we find our voices, learn to express ourselves, and contribute meaningfully to society.

It fosters critical thinking, enabling us to analyze and evaluate information in an ever-changing world.

Education is the foundation upon which progress is built, bringing forth innovation and advancements.

It empowers us to break free from the chains of ignorance, prejudice, and inequality in all its forms.

With education, we can transcend limitations, overcome obstacles, and achieve the extraordinary.

In classrooms and lecture halls, friendships are forged, minds are challenged, and hearts are inspired.

Education is the key that unlocks doors, paving the way for a brighter future for generations to come.

Education will never ruin you.


In the palm of your hand, a world unfolds.

A device so small, its power untold.

Connecting the hearts, bridging the miles.

A symphony of possibilities, all in one dial.

From selfies to chats, the memories grow.

The magic of apps, a fountain that flows.

Text messages flying, like whispers in air.

A web of connection, we all willingly share.

Camera lens capturing life's fleeting scenes.

With a simple tap, memories come alive, it seems.

Music in our ears, a soundtrack for each day.

Streaming melodies that make sorrows melt away.

News and updates, the world at our command.

With a swipe and a scroll, answers close at hand.

GPS guiding us through life's winding paths.

No lost souls, just a destination that laughs.

Social media, a virtual town of friends.

A digital community that never ends.

Yet in this tiny device, a paradox we find.

For both connection and isolation lie intertwined.

A constant companion, always by our side.

The hand held device nowadays everyone has.

But sometimes, lost in its screen, the world goes by.


Wrinkles, lines etched on a face, tell tales of journeys traveled and experiences embraced. 

Each crease holds a story, weathered by time's gentle touch or life's turbulent storms. 

In the corners of eyes, laughter dances, imprinted memories of joy and endless dances. 

Forehead furrows reveal moments of deep thought, pondering the mysteries that life has brought. 

Smile lines, etched with love and kindness, radiate warmth and reveal a heart that's boundless. 

Wrinkles, like maps, narrate the chapters of life, from youthful exuberance to wisdom's embrace. 

They are badges of honor, a testament to resilience, reminding us we've traversed the twists and turns. 

Wrinkles tell a tale of strength, beauty, and grace, marking the passage of time on every face. 

They are reminders that life's journey is not determined by smooth skin, but by the depth within. 

They tells your age, which goes up never comes down.

So let us celebrate each wrinkle earned, for they are treasures in a life's tapestry, to be cherished and learned.


In the darkness, a flicker ignites, a dancing flame in the black night sky.

Bright and warm, fire consumes, the power of destruction in its fiery hue.

It crackles and pops, its heat radiates, casting shadows that dance and sway.

With every ember that glows and fades, the fire's relentless spirit never abates.

A beacon of light in the cold night, fire brings comfort, it gives us hope and delight.

But beware of its wild and untamed ways, for fire can consume all in its fiery blaze.

It devours wood and engulfs the earth, leaving only ashes and memories in its wake.

A force of nature, fire dances freely, its flames leaping and twirling with glee.

Bold and fierce, it roars and crackles, casting a warm and mesmerizing glow.

From campfires to hearths, fire brings people together, illuminating the darkness forever.

But in the wrong hands, it can bring devastation, turning worlds into a fiery conflagration.

So, respect the power that fire holds, for it has the potential to both create and destroy.

Let it be a reminder of life's fragility, and cherish the warmth that fire brings to our soul.


Are you feeling stuck in a job that doesn't make your heart soar? 

Do you long to find a career where you're motivated to give more? 

Jobs should be a fulfilling endeavor, not just a way to pay the bills. 

It's time to pursue your passions and unlock a world of thrills. 

Picture a job that aligns with your interests, talents, and dreams. 

A place where you can shine, grow, and be part of a dynamic team. 

Say goodbye to the daily grind and hello to a purposeful career. 

There's a perfect job out there waiting for you, it's crystal clear. 

Take the leap, embrace the change, and let your true potential unfurl. 

Tap into your skills, ignite your passion, and watch your job satisfaction whirl. 

Discover a job that brings you joy and makes your spirit soar high.


In the golden fields, where the sun shines bright, farmers toil with all their might.

They sow the seeds and tend the land, nurturing crops with gentle hand.

From dawn till dusk, they work each day, ensuring food comes our way.

With plow and hoe, they break the ground, sowing hope with every mound.

The tender shoot emerges, a sign of nature's magic and farmer's surge.

Through rain or shine, they persevere, harvesting joy at the end of the year.

From humble seeds to bountiful yields, their labor of love the earth reveals.

The tractor hums, the animals graze, farming is a dance in endless ways.

From dairy cows to chickens and bees, the farm is bustling with harmony and peace.

The farmer's touch, a gentle caress, brings forth life and abundance, nothing less.

They mend the fences, mend their hearts, for farming is a craft that never departs.

So let's give thanks for the farmer's grace, for they nourish us and preserve this space.

In the symphony of rural charm, the beauty of farming keeps us warm.

From field to table, we give our praise, for farmers deserve our eternal embrace.


A smile has the ability to brighten up someone's day.

It can inspire joy and bring happiness to those around you.

A smile is contagious, spreading positivity like wildfire.

It can break down barriers and create a sense of connection.

A smile is like a beam of sunlight, warming the hearts of others.

It can lift spirits and offer comfort in times of need.

A smile is a universal language, understood by all cultures.

It can communicate kindness, compassion, and empathy without words.

A smile can transform a stranger into a friend in an instant.

It can bridge gaps and foster a sense of unity among people.

A smile is a genuine reflection of inner beauty and confidence.

It can boost self-esteem and radiate a sense of self-assurance.

A smile has the power to heal wounds and mend broken hearts.

It can bring hope and remind us of the beauty in humanity.

So, let your smile light up the world and make a difference.

Because sometimes, a smile is all it takes to change someone's life.


The moon shines bright in the dark night sky, like a silver ball up high.

It glows and glimmers with a gentle grace, lighting up the earth's embrace.

With its phases waxing and waning, the moon's beauty is forever remaining.

From a crescent to a full round sphere, its presence is something to revere.

It hangs above us, a celestial delight, casting a magical glow upon the night.

The moon's face seems to smile down, as it watches over the sleeping town.

In the darkness, it becomes our guiding light, leading us through the shadows of the night.

The stars dance around it, like diamonds on display, as the moon illuminates their cosmic ballet.

It sets the tides in motion, controlling the ebb and flow of the vast ocean.

Moonlight bathes the world in a gentle hue, making everything seem serene and new.

Lovers gaze at the moon, with hearts aflutter, as it fills their souls with infinite wonder.

It's a symbol of dreams and hopes untold, a reminder that anything is possible to behold.

Through centuries and across generations, the moon has inspired countless imaginations.

From poets to artists, its beauty they've sought to capture.

Forever immortalizing the moon's allure and rapture.

So next time you look up at the night sky, remember the moon and let your spirit fly.


Amidst the silence, a heart aches for the rhythm of work and purpose.

Days stretch long, as the clock ticks aimlessly, echoing the absence of productivity.

Dreams are put on hold, as hope slips through the cracks of empty job applications.

The weight of uncertainty burdens the mind, as bills pile up like unwanted guests.

Unemployment becomes a haunting ghost, stalking the corridors of self-esteem and confidence.

The world moves forward, while the unemployed feel stuck in a perpetual cycle of rejection.

Every rejection letter carries a sting, a reminder of the uphill battle one must face.

The idle hands yearn for meaningful labor, for the chance to contribute and make a difference.

Long gone are the days of stability, replaced by the constant search for a lifeline.

The job market becomes a maze, with every turn leading to dead ends and closed doors.

Each night, sleep evades the unemployed, as worries and anxieties cloud their restless minds.

Potential days are wasted, as skills and talents remain untapped, waiting to be unleashed.

Amidst the struggle, resilience becomes a beacon of hope, urging the unemployed to persevere.

The smallest glimpse of an opportunity ignites a spark, rekindling the flame of ambition within.

Networking becomes a lifeline, connecting the unemployed to potential mentors and fateful encounters.

Through the darkness, self-reflection blooms, as the unemployed find hidden strengths and passions.

With each setback, a lesson is learned, building the strength to face the next challenge head-on.

A glimmer of hope flickers, as the unemployed realize they are not defined by their joblessness.

For in the depths of unemployment lies the potential for rebirth, for new paths to be forged.

The journey is arduous, but the destination holds the promise of a brighter future.

In the face of adversity, the unemployed become warriors.

Fighting for their place in a world full of opportunities.

Unemployment may bend their spirits, but it will never break their resolve, fueling the fire within.

For in the end, the unemployed will rise, not just as individuals, but as testaments to human resilience.


In a world so bright, where the sun shines with all its might,

There's a darkness that falls, silently, enveloping the forgotten souls.

Empty bellies ache, as hunger consumes their very being,

Desperate eyes search for hope, in a world that seems unseeing.

Bodies frail and weak, fighting to survive another day,

Their cries unheard, their pain invisible, as hunger has its way.

Children with hollow cheeks, their laughter replaced by silent tears,

Dreams shattered, hopes shattered, as starvation engulfs their years.

Mothers weep silently, their love unable to feed their hungry child,

Their embrace aching, their hearts breaking, in a world so unfair and wild.

Hope dwindles, fragile and frail, like a candle flame in the darkest night,

As starvation's grip tightens, stealing away every ounce of life and light.

A plea rises from the depths of despair, echoing through the empty alleys,

For food and compassion, for a chance to break free from these cruel valleys.

But the world keeps turning, blind to the hunger that silently pervades,

While lives are lost, dreams are crushed, as starvation's shadow never fades.

Let us not forget those silently suffering, those voices lost in the abyss,

And strive to create a world where no one knows the pain of starvation's kiss.


Everyone needs you No one can live without you You fall from the sky as rain But there's no stain In sea you taste salty  In river you t...