Saturday, August 12, 2023


Flowers, so vibrant and bright, 

Colors that fill our sight.

Petals delicate, soft to touch,

Nature's masterpiece, loved so much.

Blossoms that dance in the breeze,

Bringing joy, putting hearts at ease.

Each one unique, with its own grace,

In a variety of shapes and space.

Roses, with their scent so sweet,

Symbol of love and affection, never retreat.

Sunflowers, tall and proud,

Facing the sun, standing out from the crowd.

Daisies, simple yet so enchanting,

Symbol of innocence, pure and everlasting.

Tulips, with petals like a cup,

A symbol of perfect love, never giving up.

Lilies, serene and elegant,

Their beauty leaves us in a trance.

Orchids, exotic in every way,

Adding a touch of luxury, come what may.

Flowers, a gift from mother Earth,

Bringing beauty and joy, proving their worth.

In gardens and bouquets, they bring a smile,

A reminder to appreciate life, even for a while.

So, let's embrace these blooming treasures,

And admire the wonders that nature measures.

For flowers are more than just a sight,

They are a symbol of love, beauty, and delight.

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