Saturday, August 12, 2023


In a world so bright, where the sun shines with all its might,

There's a darkness that falls, silently, enveloping the forgotten souls.

Empty bellies ache, as hunger consumes their very being,

Desperate eyes search for hope, in a world that seems unseeing.

Bodies frail and weak, fighting to survive another day,

Their cries unheard, their pain invisible, as hunger has its way.

Children with hollow cheeks, their laughter replaced by silent tears,

Dreams shattered, hopes shattered, as starvation engulfs their years.

Mothers weep silently, their love unable to feed their hungry child,

Their embrace aching, their hearts breaking, in a world so unfair and wild.

Hope dwindles, fragile and frail, like a candle flame in the darkest night,

As starvation's grip tightens, stealing away every ounce of life and light.

A plea rises from the depths of despair, echoing through the empty alleys,

For food and compassion, for a chance to break free from these cruel valleys.

But the world keeps turning, blind to the hunger that silently pervades,

While lives are lost, dreams are crushed, as starvation's shadow never fades.

Let us not forget those silently suffering, those voices lost in the abyss,

And strive to create a world where no one knows the pain of starvation's kiss.

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