Saturday, August 12, 2023


Earth, our home, where we explore and roam, 

A planet of wonder, a place we call our own. 

From mountains tall to oceans deep, 

A symphony of life, a treasure to keep. 

The wind whispers secrets as it kisses the trees, 

Birds sing sweet melodies, carried on the breeze. 

Fields of green, a tapestry of life, 

A sanctuary for creatures, big and small alike. 

The rivers flow, carving paths through the land, 

Providing sustenance, a lifeline, a helping hand. 

The sun shines bright, warming all it touches, 

Filling our days with its golden clutches. 

But we must remember, we're not alone, 

We share this planet, it's not ours to own. 

With every step, every choice we make, 

Let's tread lightly, for the Earth's sake. 

For in our hands lies the power to heal or destroy, 

To protect and cherish, or cause endless ploys. 

Let's come together, let's stand as one, 

In the fight to preserve what cannot be undone. 

For Earth, our home, is a gift we must treasure, 

A place that deserves our utmost measure. 

Let's strive for balance, harmony, and care, 

For this beautiful planet we all share. 

So let us honor the Earth's boundless worth, 

In every moment, acknowledging its incredible birth. 

For in its beauty and splendor, we find our own place, 

A reminder of the miracle that is life's embrace.

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