Saturday, August 12, 2023


Everyone needs you

No one can live without you

You fall from the sky as rain

But there's no stain

In sea you taste salty 

In river you taste sweetly

You wore no colour

You're so pure and clear

We need you every moment of our life

Because you give life to our lives 

You're always greater

We call you as Water!


The bed was good

There was no noise

There was no nightmare

There was no water droplet sound

No clock ticking sound

In spite of it was a Good Night

It was a sleepless night!


In the heart of the forest, where sunlight filters through the leaves,

Nature's symphony sings, as birdsong dances on the breeze.

The river flows gracefully, a shimmering ribbon of life,

Reflecting the colors of nature, calm and without strife.

In fields of wildflowers, a kaleidoscope of delicate hues,

Butterflies flutter, their beauty a delightful muse.

The mountains stand tall, majestic and grand,

Reaching for the sky, a symbol of strength and command.

As the sun sets, painting the canvas with a golden hue,

Stars twinkle above, their mystery captivating and true.

The ocean waves crash, a rhythmic and soothing sound,

As seagulls soar high above, gracefully gliding around.

A gentle rain falls, refreshing and moisturizing the earth,

Bringing life to the plants, a sign of nature's rebirth.

Whispering trees sway, their branches reaching for the sky,

Providing shelter and shade, under which creatures safely lie.

In nature's embrace, a sense of peace and tranquility,

A reminder of the beauty and power of our planet's serenity.

From the smallest flower to the tallest mountain peak,

Nature's wonders awe-inspiring, a language that all creatures speak.


 There's no true Love

Marriages are not made in heaven

There's no perfect couple

There's no made for each other

The dream will never come true

Life is not a bed of Roses

Money can buy the happiness


Love, a feeling so pure and true,

It makes the world shimmer and glow.

It's a flame that burns deep within,

Giving warmth and light to all that's near.

Love knows no boundaries or constraints,

For it transcends time, space, and fate.

It's the enchanting melody in the air,

Filling hearts with joy, banishing despair.

In love's embrace, we find solace and peace,

A haven where our souls can find release.

It's a gentle touch, a tender caress,

A whisper that lingers, leaving us breathless.

Love is a dance, a delicate ballet,

Two souls entwined, moving in perfect sway.

It's the laughter that echoes in the night,

A symphony of bliss, a beautiful sight.

Love is the sun that brightens the day,

Guiding us through life's unpredictable way.

It's the moon that soothes us in the dark,

A beacon of hope, igniting love's spark.

In love, we discover our true selves,

A connection that can't be put on shelves.

It's the gift that keeps on giving,

A treasure worth all the living.


In the darkest corners of the human heart, 

lies a timeless tale of destruction and despair. 

War, the beast of mankind's own creation, 

leaves a trail of pain and broken souls in its wake. 

The clash of weapons, a symphony of violence, 

echoes across battlefields stained with blood. 

Soldiers march bravely, their spirits tested by the horrors they witness. 

Families torn apart, homes reduced to rubble, 

as the relentless pursuit of power engulfs nations. 

Yet in the midst of chaos, glimpses of humanity emerge. 

Strangers become allies, united by a common enemy. 

But for every act of bravery and selflessness, 

there are countless lives lost, dreams shattered, and futures stolen. 

The scars of war run deep, etched into the very essence of civilization. 

An endless cycle of conflict, repeating throughout history. 

But amidst the darkness, there is always a flicker of hope. 

For in the hearts of the wounded and weary, 

burns an undying desire for peace and redemption. 

War, a testament to the depths of human despair, 

yet also a poignant reminder of our capacity for resilience and love.


Earth, our home, where we explore and roam, 

A planet of wonder, a place we call our own. 

From mountains tall to oceans deep, 

A symphony of life, a treasure to keep. 

The wind whispers secrets as it kisses the trees, 

Birds sing sweet melodies, carried on the breeze. 

Fields of green, a tapestry of life, 

A sanctuary for creatures, big and small alike. 

The rivers flow, carving paths through the land, 

Providing sustenance, a lifeline, a helping hand. 

The sun shines bright, warming all it touches, 

Filling our days with its golden clutches. 

But we must remember, we're not alone, 

We share this planet, it's not ours to own. 

With every step, every choice we make, 

Let's tread lightly, for the Earth's sake. 

For in our hands lies the power to heal or destroy, 

To protect and cherish, or cause endless ploys. 

Let's come together, let's stand as one, 

In the fight to preserve what cannot be undone. 

For Earth, our home, is a gift we must treasure, 

A place that deserves our utmost measure. 

Let's strive for balance, harmony, and care, 

For this beautiful planet we all share. 

So let us honor the Earth's boundless worth, 

In every moment, acknowledging its incredible birth. 

For in its beauty and splendor, we find our own place, 

A reminder of the miracle that is life's embrace.


Everyone needs you No one can live without you You fall from the sky as rain But there's no stain In sea you taste salty  In river you t...