Thursday, May 11, 2023


The drop fell from the sky;

Gives the farmers a lot of joy;

Here there's no Tommy;

To say you go away;

You gives the energy;

To the greenish people on the earth;

The pitter patter rain drop;

Which is more important for the crop;

If there's no rain;

There's no gain!


Early morning you give a wonderful shine;

It gives an immense pleasure in mine;

At night you glitter like a diamond;

It gives peace to my mind;

Nobody knows what you hold;

Still we live under you bold;

The beautiful colour you wore;

It reflects in the sea shore;

The single roof which covers the whole earth;

Which takes care of every birth;

You are up above the world so high;

Everyone likes you as the blue sky;


When the child is weeping;

Mother is feeding;

When the child is sleeping;

Mother is working;

When the child is walking;

Mother is helping;

When the child is speaking;

Mother is admiring;

When the child is laughing;

Mother is enjoying;

When the child is growing;

Mother is going.


Everyone needs you No one can live without you You fall from the sky as rain But there's no stain In sea you taste salty  In river you t...